

Those pupils who effectively demonstrate our STAR values and behaviours and play an integral and positive role in the Academy community will have the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills by becoming an Academy Leader. Such pupils are expected to embody our mission of educational excellence, character development and service to communities through a commitment to excelling in their studies and helping others in their spare time, conducting themselves with integrity and being respectful to everyone they encounter. They will be willing to go the extra mile in terms of helping staff and supporting their fellow pupils, and behave impeccably both in and outside of the Academy.

Head Boy and Girl

Our Head Boy and Head Girl act as ambassadors for the Academy and are excellent role models and leaders. They represent the Academy at open evenings, presentations and functions and have excellent public speaking skills. Their behaviour, conduct, appearance and attitude to work is of an exemplary standard at all times, and their attendance and punctuality is excellent. They regularly and enthusiastically participate in Academy events and enrichment activities, lead fundraising initiatives, and volunteer for charity.

The Head Boy and Head Girl have positive relationships with both pupils and staff, acting as mentors to their peers and ensuring that Prefects undertake their responsibilities effectively, whilst also supporting staff in the commission of their duties.

Student Leaders

Prefects demonstrate excellent leadership skills by overseeing the behaviour of their peers, ensuring the highest standards of discipline are maintained at all times – whether they are on the school bus, in the cafeteria, or walking along corridors between lessons. They set a positive example through their own behaviour and conduct.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors help to enforce the academy’s “zero tolerance” approach to bullying by intervening when they see  bullying taking place and reporting their concerns to teachers. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors offer support and advice to pupils who are being bullied and encourage them not to suffer in silence. They are approachable, compassionate and patient, with good listening and communication skills.

School Council

Pupils are elected by their Form group to represent their pupil voice. Meetings are held twice a half term where issues are discussed about school and the wider community. There are two roles per form group and the school council is run by the student leaders in Years 10/11 supported by a member of staff in school.